Ivan Girotto is appointed at the Abdus Salam, International Centre for Theoretical Physics as High-Performance Computing (HPC) Application Specialist. With more than ten years of experience Ivan Girotto has previously served, as computational scientist, at national supercomputing centres such as CINECA, and later at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC). Today at ICTP, Ivan is co-director and lecturer in number of international workshops and advanced schools as well as in other programs for education and training on parallel programming for scientific computing and HPC (i.e., the joint SISSA/ICTP Master program in HPC). His main activity at the ICTP remains to conduit and support the world-wide community to efficient research production on platforms for high-performance computing. Ivan Girotto is also one of the Principal Investigators of the Europen Centre of Excellence MaX - Materials design at the Exascale.