The master program in Data Science and Scientific Computing leverages the synergies of many partners, both academic and research institutions and private companies. These partners enrich the didactic offer and sponsor the program and scholarships to students.
didactic partner

Astronomic Observatory of Trieste - National Institute of Astrophysics
Astronomic Observatory of Trieste - National Institute of Astrophysics

Area Science Park
Scientific and technological park in Trieste area, with two campuses, hosting several start-ups and innovative companies, and leading the digital innovation hubs of Friuli Venezia-Giulia.

ESTECO is an independent software provider, highly specialized in numerical optimization and simulation data management with a sound scientific foundation and a flexible approach to customer needs.

INFN - Trieste
National Institute of Nuclear Physics - Section of Trieste
National Institute of Nuclear Physics - Section of Trieste

Istituto Officina dei Materiali
National Research Council - Institute of Material Sciences (Istituto Officina dei Materiali)

Siamo una Compagnia leader in Italia nella vendita di prodotti assicurativi. Da sempre ascoltiamo le persone e costruiamo per loro le migliori soluzioni di protezione, risparmio e previdenza.

Acegas Aps Amga
A multi-utility company, active in Nord-East Italy, part of Hera group.

Bean Tech
IT Infrastructure, Business Analytics, Software Application

ASAC si propone come partner tecnologico per lo sviluppo prodotto, grazie alle sue competenze in materia di HW, FW, SW, soluzioni IoT, generazione e gestione dell’innovazione.

DAVE Embedded Systems
DAVE Embedded Systems is a company based in Porcia (Italy), focused on designing, manufacturing embedded systems solutions integrating Linux and Android O.S. and IoT or Machine Learning features.

Do IT systems
Do IT systems is focussed on HPC services (High Performace Computing) and on Cloud solutions for HPC.

ATIproject is active since 2011 in the fields of architecture and engineering, promoting sustainable and zero-impact buldings and adopting a mltidisciplinary approach.

The Planning & Scheduling Company
Advanced solutions for high performance industry 4.0

Exact Lab
Founded in 2011 by leading HPC researchers and headquartered in Trieste, Italy, eXact lab is an innovative SME that provides solutions, training and on-demand services in the High Performance Computing and Data market.

Twenty shipyards across Europe, the Americas and Asia. Approximately 19,000 employees, 60% of whom work outside Italy, and a turnover of more than 4 billion euros. This is Fincantieri, a multinational whose 230 years of experience has given it a leading role in the history of seafaring.

Data transform opinions into decisions: we control and measure every relation between ncompanies and their customers

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Finance

CGN - Seek&Partners
Tecnologie e soluzioni innovative per lo sviluppo software.

PwC è un network con oltre 236.000 professionisti in tutto il mondo, di cui circa 5.000 in Italia, impegnati a garantire qualità nei servizi di revisione, di consulenza strategica, legale e fiscale alle imprese.

Stroili is one of the leading jewellery brands in Italy. The network currently includes over 380 jewellery shops owned by the Group and run directly from its headquarters in Friuli; it has more than 1,800 employees and over 1,000 authorised retailers throughout Italy.

Freud is a world leading manufacturer of premium industrial Circular Saw Blades, Cutterheads, Router Bits, Window Systems and TiCo Carbide.