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Computational Science and Engineering

Numerical Analysis

Objective: providing numerical analysis tools for scientific computing, with particular attention to linear algebra, polynomial approximation, numerical integration, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, approximation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.


Data Management for Big Data

Objective: introducing students to computational management of data, in particular the characterization of an information system, data modeling, design and management of databases, including non-traditional ones (eg, unstructured documents, spatial data, biological data , multimedia data), to the fundamentals of distributed data and to methodologies and techniques for the management and analysis of big data.


Optimisation Models

Objective: providing students with the methodological, theoretical and practical tools to formulate linear programming models and combinatorial optimization problems and to solve them, even for high dimensionality problems, using appropriate optimization software.

Advanced Mathematical Methods

Objectives: training students from different disciplines, such as applied mathematics, physics, engineering, to integrate theory and models in the study of some problems arising in applied sciences and which result in partial differential equation. Provide students with a mathematical background suitable to analyze them.

Dynamical systems

Objective: providing the foundations of the modern approach to the control of dynamical systems, with particular reference to the treatment of uncertainty, structured and unstructured. Provide the main tools and methods for the analysis and synthesis of multiple-input-multiple-output control systems.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Objective: Introduce the students to the machine learning fundamentals, to the main techniques on supervised learning, and to the principal application domains. Present evolutionary calculation. The course explains how to design, develop and evaluate simple ML-based end-to-end systems and, at the same time, how to describe their operations.